Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Where have I been?  I dunno.  Life has been full lately and because of that, my life has been missing from this blog for a few months now.  One of the reasons for the absence is that we welcomed home Elder R. Cole Tipton on August 31st after serving an honorable mission in Fukuoka, Japan!   
Here is most of the welcoming crew, with Em Zoe behind her camera.  I lifted this photo from her blog.  Thanks Em.
 My how Winston has grown.  Here's what he looked like when Cole left:

From a brown haired peanut to a blond tornado!
Our banner!  We are top notch, only the finest at Casa De Tipton.
 Elder R. Cole Tipton, fresh off the plane from Fukuoka, Japan, after traveling 24 hours straight.

 Brothers reunited.
 Sister and brother reunited.
 Re-meeting Winston.
 A tired missionary.
 My four kiddos.
Cole traveled home with Elder Gregory who happens to be from Gilbert.  They were companions for 6 weeks about a year ago.  He was one of Cole's favorite companions.

Welcome home Coleyman!


Lauri said...

I have missed your posts! And WHAT THE HECK? That was not 2 years, was it? When we went to dinner you didn't say he was so close to the end! How fun to have him back. Congratulations!

The McEnaney's said...

How awesome to have him home!