If I could sing The Fiddler on the Roof's song, "Sun Rise, Sun Set," to everyone right now, I would. I feel that is how my life is. For Christmas I had 10 (of our many, many) videos transferred to DVDs for Quinn, my youngest. He had never watched any family movies with him in them because we didn't have the capability to play the old tapes. Lately we've been watching the new DVDs. It's so fun to regain forgotten memories. (Even though my hair is practically the same for the last 10 years!) I've got to do something about that. Anyhow, It's crazy what 10 years looks like in just a few hours of family movies. Which brings me to Cole, my missionary, turning 20 today. Now I have 2, two, II children in their very early 20's. Weird. My sister pointed out that I won't physically see Cole his entire 20th year. A strange thought, but I'd rather not see him all year and him be on a mission that to be able to see him while he's 20 and him not be on a mission. Follow?
I have very few pictures of Cole from him mission. This one is when he was still in Utah at one of the local Temples. (Cole's on the left.)
Here he is in true form in Shimonoseki, Japan. (3rd from left)
When Cole was around 6 years old, he'd take my camera, (back in the film days, no digital) pose his action figures and snap away. Some things never change. He actually sent me pictures of posed action figures of the Japanese "transformers" that are all the rage.
Cole loves music. He loves to listen to it, all kinds and he loves to make it, all kinds! His mission president allowed him to purchase a guitar around Christmas time. He named her Stacy. This instrument is a Japanese Koto which he has learned to play.
Happy birthday, Cole. I love you!
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