Tuesday, August 3, 2010

"A little piece of heaven"

Yesterday I was washing the Odyssey (that sounds cooler than "van", right?), inside and out.  This task hasn't been performed since our trip to the beach in June.  I know, I'm embarrassed to say but it's been a busy summer.  I've cleaned it up here and there but nothing like the deep cleaning that was performed on it yesterday.  Don't worry, it was totally worth it 'cause I found some treasures too.  They were located in the back, way back, of the van where I hardly ever venture.  Behind one of the seats were Quinn's new flip-flops that had mysteriously gone missing.  Hooray!  Also, one of the head rests had been completely filled with stickers from some fast food restaurant.  Along with those stickers was a new kids meal toy.  It was like Christmas for Quinn! 

However, the best treasure I found was this:

Truman put this little gem together of a water bottle with sand and ocean in it before we returned from Newport Beach.  On the bottle is written,

"Truman Tipton's little piece of heaven, Newport Beach, California." 

Unfortunately the original bottle was replaced with a larger, more secure model.  Truman got a hold of it before I could get a picture but you get the idea.


Emily Zoe Hale said...

Oh... that boy is special.

Chris and Heather said...

I agree with Em, he is special. BTW Only the best families own ODESSEYS! Next week we are taking ours on an odessy to SLC. Before then we are getting a DVD player installed- an effort to minimize the screaming and "Are-we-there-yets". Wish us luck.
P.S. Check out my latest "cake wrecks!"