Monday, June 14, 2010

Mint Chocolate Chip!

The other day Rick called me from work with a tax question.
My mom was over at the time,
visiting from her Summer home up the street.
I was also baby-sitting my newest niece,
I suppose I sounded a little strained,
though I didn't feel it,
because when Rick got home, he brought me my most favorite,
truly favorite
ice cream of all time . . .
Mint Chocolate Chip
Baskin Robbins.
Truly the best.
I ate it all by myself too!
If I was stressed, I'm not anymore.


Saragers said...

Ooh that looks delightful; its my favorite too. How do you feel about the old thrifty's brand of mint chip?

Tracy said...

Miss it!

Chris and Heather said...

This must be why we get along so well. Is there any other kind of icream?