Thursday, April 29, 2010

Senior-itis . . . . or See my Pillow

School is exhausting.
(Actually, doing all the stuff after school is the real kicker.)
Cole caught up on some good zzzzs yesterday before dinner.
The boy needs his beauty sleep.
What's up with those hands?
Actually, I took this picture to show how my lovely new pillow looks under Cole's arm.
It's doing its job.
So comfy & cute.
I made two and another is on its way.
A home full of boys drove me to the girly type fabric.
I felt bad for a half a second and then reveled in the beauty of the flowery fabric.
It's my home too.
Gotta love spring.


Emily Zoe Hale said...

Teach me to make girly pillows?

Tracy said...

Way too easy. Yes, I'll teach you.

Lauri said...

Me too!!! so cute!