Saturday, June 6, 2009

Seeds of love.

I find pleasure in growing things, many different things. Take this Zinnia, for instance, I planted it as a seed about a month ago. All I had to do is water the pot daily and move it to the right sun spot in my front yard and presto, like magic, a beautiful flower appeared.
There are more flowers to follow this beauty, they're not ready quite yet. When they do bloom, once again my pleasure meter will be way high!


Daniel doings said...

Tracy, your flower is so pretty, I too love growing things, it makes me happy. How is your veggie garden?

Tracy said...

Lawanna: The garden is growing. The tomatoes are crazy and the squash has over taken the rest of the garden.

Chris and Heather said...

It's the "watering daily" part that I have trouble with. As is evident by the collection of empty pots I have stored on the side of my house in the back yard.