Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Summer vacation in Newport Beach, CA

Cole 16 at the beach.

No Emily - she's at NAU being an EFY counselor.
Sister-in-laws: Tracy, Heather, Jamie, Juliette, Tiffany & Cherisse.

Scott, Jay,
Rick, Adam,
Shaun & Gary

"No Mo Chemo,"
party for Jonathan.


Lauri said...

You go every year, right? Looks like so much fun. You look great for 40-something!!!!!!!!!!!

Tiffany said...

Who are those hotties with the afro's? So fun, good times, can't wait until next year. Your friend is right..... you do look fabulous!!

juliette said...

Yea! You have a blog and I love Jonathan's expression in the afro picture!