Sunday, November 18, 2012

Family pictures

We had family pictures taken for the first time in a couple of years due to Cole being on his mission.  It was a nice morning full of the same Tipton/Hale tricks and moves to make a photo session memorable.
Winston was adorable and smiled while, in most of the pictures, he held onto a Smartie that I had given him as a bribe.  He never ate it.

 Smartie in hand.

 Steven with his Mini-Me on his shoulders.

 Oh, just a few of the poses...there are more like these.  Lots more.
 What a cute kid.

 We love Yoga, apparently.
 My only daughter.  Such a beauty.

 Quinn had a tongue/smile issue.....don't know what happened.
The other day Rick, Truman, Quinn and I were driving home from some event and a conversation about puberty ensued.  I guess the kids in his 6th grade class were talking about it and how bad it can be when Truman offered;

"Puberty was pretty good to me."

"Why?" Quinn asked.

"Have you seen me?"  Truman replied.  That sums it up.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Christmas 2012 is on its way!

Stationery card
View the entire collection of cards.

After much grief and pain, our 2012 Christmas cards are done.  This just may be the hardest part of Christmas!