Saturday, December 31, 2011

Still a very merry Christmas.

 Christmas morning started around 6:00 a.m (we had to wake up the kids).  We were on a rigid schedule because we had church at 9:00 and Rick had a meeting at 8:00.  So we opened up gifts in a very timely fashion.
Stockings are always my favorite. 

Emily joined the party too. 

Truman gave Emily one of his projects from art.  It was a paper mache figure from Lord of the Rigs, Frodo, to be exact.  Emily loves him.
Can you see the ring?
 Winston got a train.
 Quinn gave Rick his Rubik's Cube because Rick is always trying to solve it whenever he puts Quinn to bed.

Truman some socks.
 I got my favorite Christmas candy, See's Bordeaux.  Delicious.
 Mouth watering.
 After church, we had a bunch at my home for my side of the family at 11:00.  We had ham and rolls with all kinds of fixins.  It was lots of fun.
My niece Sammy. 
Miss Kimber.
 Some of the group.
We had a white elephant gift exchange and then a talent show.  I saw things I never imagined possible.  How does a 50 something year old woman walk down a wall backwards, touch the ground and then come back up without injury?  I don't know but it happened.  I don't have pictures to prove it probably because I was too stunned.  Truman did a standing back flip in my living room, much to my dismay.  I worry about injury, you know.  Emily and Steven played, "O Holy Night," on the piano and Quinn was supposed to play the violin but he was too embarrassed, he said.

It was a fun and happy Christmas.  I only missed Cole a few times.  The end of January he'll be out one year. It's incredible how fast time flies.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A very merry Christmas.

The day or two before Christmas there were lots of happenings going on.  Winston sported the Santa outfit that his mother and three uncles all wore when they were his age for Christmas Eve. 
Ted stole, helped himself, to THREE cookies while I was at work.  Apparently he'd growl whenever anyone would get near him to retrieve the goodies so the kids put him outside and let him enjoy his kill.  Naughty boy. 
 On Christmas Eve at 3:00 p.m. our time, we got to call Cole, our missionary in Japan, for his Christmas morning which was 7:00 a.m.  We used Google Voice, which failed miserably.  Then we went to Skype through the computer, without the face time, and it worked flawlessly.
Bama came over to talk to Cole too.  It's funny to me to see her talking to the computer because she is the least technology minded person I know.
We all took turns talking to Cole. 
Santa talked to him too.  He said, "Mom." 
Then we went to the Tipton's for Christmas Eve festivities which included each family singing a Christmas song.  You can see we took our song, "We Wish You a Merry Christmas," very seriously.  I'm straining my neck 'cause I'm singing so hard! 
The Hess's sang too. 
The Hales sang a medley which was a stunner and crowd pleaser. 
Mimi and Papa 
Last but not least was an impromptu song by 4 out of 6 of the Tipton Children with actions.  
It was amazing. 
 This will go down in history.  For sure.
More singing.  The kids caroled to a couple of neighbors and to the Tipton's.  I'm told it was fun.  I didn't go, it was too cold for me. The guys wondered how they got picked to accompany the kids.  I guess we're just good like that when it comes to comfort and traditions.

But wait, there's more to come.  Later.

Monday, December 26, 2011

The other day during church Quinn asked, "Are there any Hispanic mimes or are they all French?"

We looked it up online.  There are Hispanic mimes, FYI.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Someone turned 1!

It was Winston's first birthday yesterday. We celebrated with a big family dinner on Sunday and then with a waffle breakfast yesterday. 
These pictures are some of the outtakes from our family Christmas photo.  I thought it would be hard to get him to smile.  Don't know why I thought that.   Winston's motto is:
I just like to smile, smiling's my favorite.
Like his mother. 

He loves his book. 

He even smiles through the chocolate.
Happy birthday to my favorite little boy.
Note:  Rick wore this sweater some 47+ years ago.

Thursday, December 22, 2011


We've had a busy month, as I'm sure most of us have.  Last week we went to Zoo Lights at the Phoenix Zoo with my brother, David and his family.  
 Can you imagine decorating this tree?  I can't.

 It wasn't too cold.  Thank goodness.
We also went to Truman's Athletic Movement (boys only) class at school.  He's the blur on the right.

 Love the sign.  "Dance like no one is watching."

They went through several different routines for the friends and families.  It was fun to see how strong Truman has gotten.

Exciting things coming up:

Christmas Eve Mexican dinner at the Tiptons.
Christmas brunch and talent show at my home with the Hancocks.
Christmas Dinner and talent show (there is a pattern here) at the Tiptons.

But the best thing of all.......

We get to call our missionary, Elder R. Cole Tipton, on Christmas Eve in Japan!!!!